Welcome to the Firbank School Community
Firbank Old Grammarians Association (FOGA) was established in 1918 to promote fellowship of the past students of Firbank Grammar. Everyone is welcome whether they finished in 2022 or as our living oldest past student who finished in 1940.
Firbank Old Grammarians can be found all over Australia and the world and in all professions, we are proud of our Old Grammarians and the amazing careers so many women have forged.
FOGA runs an extensive reunion and event program both on the campus and at external venues, depending on what each Year Level prefers.
The FOGA website is a wonderful way to keep in contact with both the school and other past students, plus keeping up to date with reunions and other events. We encourage our alumni to keep us informed of their current details (mailing and email addresses) that we can keep everyone informed of FOGA news and events. We also encourage our past students to update us on careers, life celebrations and new additions to families.
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110 Women of Achievement
First published in 2009 for the school's centenary and updated in 2019 for the 110 Years celebrations. This book celebrates 110 Women of Firbank who have in their way made a remarkable contribution to society.